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The Downs has been successful, how can other towns replicate it?

The Downs is a master-planned community on over 500 acres in southern Maine, but what many don’t know is that it is one of the largest, most comprehensive mixed-use projects in all of New England.

The Downs generated $1.15 million in new tax revenue for the town of Scarborough in tax year 2022 and the property is assessed at over $130 million. At full buildout the property is anticipated to be valued at approximately $700 million and will produce more than $10 million annually for the town.

The Downs for now has just over 525 housing units, roughly 80% of them are townhomes and apartments. It is a mixed-use housing development, meaning it has a range of senior housing, affordable housing and a variety of types of housing. It will also be home to the first-of-its-kind affordable housing complex for people with physical disabilities (3i HoME).

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