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Our Project At The Downs

Supportive Housing for People with Disabilities

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Some 8% of Maine residents ages 18 to 64 live with a mobility disability that significantly impacts their activities of daily living.


​Whether due to chronic illness (e.g., multiple sclerosis or other neurological disease), traumatic injury (e.g., car accident) or other life altering occurrence (e.g., injury during military service), many of these individuals require stable housing and personal care/community based assistance in order to live independently.+


+ Taken from U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics. This figure is in line with the limited stock of housing that is available nationally to people with mobility limitations.  “According to one estimate, fewer than 4% of housing units qualify as 'livable' for people who have moderate mobility problems, and even fewer are wheelchair accessible.  These supply constraints amplify the affordability difficulties of . . . people with disabilities who are on fixed incomes.”


A First of its Kind Supportive Housing 
Project for Maine

In partnership with our co-developer, Preservation of Affordable Housing (POAH), 3i HoME is designing a fully-accessible affordable residential building in Scarborough, Maine. Our building will be located in the vibrant Town Center at The Downs. Our community of affordable rental apartments will be home to 51 households in which at least one member is disabled. In addition to the private rental apartments, the project will feature a common living area for social activities, a designated work space for service providers and a mobility and assistive technology hub.


The apartments will be designed according to principles of Universal Design for easy mobility with or without a wheelchair. Bathrooms, kitchens and all living areas will be barrier free and the entire building will be wired for adaptable environmental controls and smart home functionality.

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Our Pilot Project

In the News

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Scarborough affordable housing receives Low Income Housing Tax Credit allocation and $5.4M subsidy from state for innovative housing solution for disabled individuals


Durham man on a mission to build affordable housing for people with physical disabilities

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Affordable Housing Community Utilizes Universal Design

Project Location


We are pleased to announce that our pilot project will be located in The Downs in Scarborough, Maine! The Downs represents the revival of an iconic destination where residential and commercial elements support each other and retail and recreation knit the planned community together, setting a new standard for a modern live-work-play lifestyle.


Our fully accessible and affordable community complex will be located in the Town Center where over 3,000 new jobs are being created and the perfect opportunity for commercial, industrial, retail, medical, hospitality and recreational businesses of all sizes.

Project Location

Project Partners

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Project Updates:

December 2022

3i Housing of Maine awarded $509,000 


The federal government’s Fiscal Year 2023 Appropriations bill (aka Omnibus) was signed into law at the end of last month and we are very excited to share the news that 3i Housing of Maine was awarded $509,000 to fund a key component of our Scarborough project at The Downs!

The funds will be used to design, implement and analyze the impact of user-friendly, person-centered assistive/"smart home" technology and telehealth applications for low-income people with complex needs and disabilities!

January 27, 2023

Project Received State Grant

$500,000 3iHoME & SeniorsPlus funding for Enhanced Care Coordination and Adaptive Technology Assessment

June 5, 2023

Town of Scarborough Approves Project 

Scarborough Planning Board approved our project at The Downs, in Scarborough. Approval from the Scarborough approval makes it possible for our project's groundbreaking to take place in Spring 2024. 

September 2023

Scarborough Housing Trust Alliance Grant  $200,000 for The Downs Project

October 2023

FHLBB Award for $850,000 for The Downs Project financing

February 2024

Maine Dept of Transportation Award of $127,000

3i Housing of Maine was awarded $127,000 to provide transportation support to residents of our planned apartment complex at The Downs in Scarborough. 

May 2024

Our project at The Downs receives $5.4M from MaineHousing and a Low Income Housing Tax Credit allocation 

MaineHousing has awarded $5.4 million in subsidies and a Low Income Housing Tax Credit allocation to an affordable housing development of 51 rental apartments at the site of a former racetrack in Scarborough, Maine

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